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I would suggest road trains: a line of heavy transports linked and sharing power and control systems. That would eliminate the need for permanent tracks, as well as their maintenance and security. You already have a suitable road for them in any case.
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28.03.2011, 13:08
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 28.03.2011, 13:17 von Niceyard.)
There are a number of important Highways linking the megaplexes where mighty trucks travel (as seen in the
Gypsy-Comic in case you know them).
Highways are literally high. The road is in 10 or so meters hight, supported by large collums raising it above the ground and the outlaws (like an aquaeduct). In the mighty colums is the vacuum-railtube. Or sometimes even underground.
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13.04.2011, 16:41
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 13.04.2011, 16:42 von Niceyard.)
Felix, what about Your Transporter? Is there yet some model to test?
And what is Your plan about editing? Will it be free?
Bemalte Minis 2013: 39 • 2014: 23 • 2015: 58 • 2016: 44 • 2017: 104 • 2018: 5 • 2019: 122 • 2020: 140 • 2021: 52 • 2022: 231 • 2023: 49...
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Registriert seit: Apr 2009
Hi Markus,
I haven't done anything new yet, as I have other projects running – and there's a life beside modelling …
Anyway, when I have a thing to show, I will
My plan for editing? Ask me again when I'm done – right now I don't have any
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der andre betracht’s,
der dritte verlacht’s,
was macht’s.“
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