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MRC - Posterplan - Druckversion

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MRC - Posterplan - Niceyard - 02.10.2013

Die letzten Tage habe ich für einen Wettbewerb in einem Kartografieforum an einem Poster für den MRC gearbeitet.
Das Poster hat A2-Format und ist beidseitig.

Ich habe mal eine kleine Datei in 72 dpi angehängt, wo die beiden Seiten nebeneinander zu sehen sind.


Würde mich interessieren, wie ihr es findet.

RE: MRC - Posterplan - Mike Hungerford - 28.08.2024

A bit late to reply, but is anyone still here?

RE: MRC - Posterplan - Niceyard - 29.08.2024

Surely not 'anyone' I guess. But I'm still here. Up and running. Smile
What's up Mike, are you still into glue and scissors?

RE: MRC - Posterplan - Mike Hungerford - 29.08.2024

(29.08.2024, 08:09)Niceyard schrieb: Surely not 'anyone' I guess. But I'm still here. Up and running. Smile
What's up Mike, are you still into glue and scissors?

Starting to get interested again after quite some time doing other things, or often nothing at all.

RE: MRC - Posterplan - Niceyard - 30.08.2024

That's good to hear! What are you into right now?

RE: MRC - Posterplan - Mike Hungerford - 30.08.2024

(30.08.2024, 05:15)Niceyard schrieb: That's good to hear! What are you into right now?

Surviving, mostly. Life has not been good the last four years. :-/